Solar Powered Ovens

Materials: Pizza Box Pencil  Ruler Scissors/Box Cutter Aluminum Foil Clear Tape Black Construction Paper Plastic Wrap (You can also use a large transparent plastic bag) Old Newspaper Oven Mit Oven Safe Dish/Pie Tin Instructions: Make sure your pizza box is clean before starting. Using your ruler and pencil, draw three out of four sides of

Make a Starry Sky in Your Bedroom

Materials: Paper cup, any size Pencil Thumbtack Flashlight (you can use a phone flashlight) Instructions: Use your pencil to draw out some constellations you know onto the bottom and outside of your paper cup. Don’t know any constellations? Look some up using the links provided below! Start by using simple designs, and connect your stars

Mini Rubber Band Guitar

Materials: 4 Rubberbands of Different Thicknesses, but Same Length Empty Tissue Paper Box (You Can Also Use an Empty Juice Box) Glue Packing Tape (Or Any Other Strong Tape) Scissors Two Craft Sticks Empty Paper Towel Roll/Toilet Paper Roll (If You are Using a Juice Box, You Can Also Use a Straw) Instructions: Remove the